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70th Reunion
September 26, 2019 a number of "highly experienced" men began to gather in Annapolis, MD to renew friendships that began 74 years earlier. After two days a total of 15 had arrived from both coasts and states in between.
In 1945, 1345 young men arrived at the U. S, Naval Academy to be trained as naval and marine officers. Three quarters of the arrivals were all ready in uniform of the three military services. Twelve were already reserve officers, one of the Army Air Corps, one of the U. S. Military Academy and ten of the Naval Reserve.
Many of these young men aspired for careers in different professional fields other than the military, but their country had been at war for 4 years. The war in Europe ended 3 months before, but war in the Pacific was ongoing. The invasion of Japan was still to be achieved. Members of the Class of 1949 was ready to serve.
Several of the 1345 failed entry requirement and were replaced by alternate selectees/appointees. A few did not take the oath of office as a midshipman. And several resigned after VJ day. The Alumni Assoc. lists 1114 at he start of the academic year and 790 graduates. Currently there are 136 graduate surviving with status of 6 of those unknown. I don't like the description of those who didn't graduate as non-graduates and prefer to identify their status as in our Lucky Bag as the 320 "Left Ashore."
With only 25 known to be living, one joined the 14 graduates along with class wives, widows, Navy Juniors, and a few grandchildren to make it a '49 Family Reunion.
TOP ROW: Al Thomson, John Bacon, Rollo Wilson, Rick Claytor, Red Tolbert, Pete Williams, Bob McEroy, Cal Roberts, Walt Marquardt, Bill Norris, and Bill Stutt
SEATED: David Wherry, Jack English, Tom Walter, Bill Bodager.
Red and family at '49 House
Jack English, Peter & Tracy Ekelund
Jack, Lorilee English, Rick Claytor
Marty Read, Rick and Mary Louise Claytor, Ursula Vosseler, Cal Roberts, and Red
Steve and Allison Walk, Beth, Marty, Pete, Brian, Peggy, Chris, and Bob
Wes Brown family posing for another camera
USNA and Speaker Wiletta Brown
"Billie" accepting LEADER award for Wes
Lauren, Trisha, Christopher, & Rob Tolbert
Lorilee, Jack English, Beth Williams & Rick
Carol took first picture. Trisha this one
Rollo Wilson, Mary Elin and table mates
Pete Williams and Bill Norris
Mike Brady, '79, Marty, Pete, May Brady, Beth
The Wesley A. Brown A LEADER Class of 1949 award
Standing: Elisabeth & John Bacon, Tracy Ekelund Seated: Brenda, Red, Ursula